
Mapping Cell Fates

Fate mapping is a technique that is used to show how a cell or tissue moves and what it will become during normal development. Fate mapping was developed by Walter Vogt as a means by which to trace the development of specific regions of the early embryo. To do this, Vogt used agar chips impregnated with vital dyes.fate map is a representation of the developmental history of each cell in the body of an adult organism. Thus, a fate map traces the products of each mitosis from the single-celled zygote to the multi-celled adult. The process of fate mapping was developed by Walter Vogt.

As a human embryo develops, its cells become progressively restricted in the types of specialized cells that they can produce. Inner cell mass (ICM) cells of the blastocyst can make any type of body cell. Gastrula-stage cells can give rise to the cells of a given germ layer. Later, cells become even more restricted. For example, the pancreatic bud of the endoderm layer can only make the cells of the pancreas.

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