
Human Polymorphisms and Cancer Classification

A lecture about Human Polymorphism and Cancer clasiification,The lectuer conducted by Prof.Eri.S.Lander

About the Speaker
Eric S. Lander

Professor of Biology
Founding Director, The Broad Institute
Member, Whitehead Institute Professor of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School

Eric Lander was a world leader of the international Human Genome Project, the effort to map the blueprint for a human being. Today, Lander is using the knowledge of the human genome to tackle the fundamental issue of medicine: to find the causes of disease.

Lander received his Ph.D. in mathematics from Oxford in 1981, as a Rhodes Scholar. He joined Whitehead Institute in 1986 and founded the Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome Research in 1990. Lander became the founding director of the newly created Broad Institute in 2003.

Lander is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and U.S. Institute of Medicine. He was a MacArthur Fellow (1987-1992), and earned the Woodrow Wilson Prize from Princeton University(1998); the Baker Memorial Award for Undergraduate Teaching at MIT (1992); the City of Medicine Prize (2001); and the Gairdner International Prize (2002).

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