
Diagnostic Pelvic Laparascopy

Diagnostic pelvic laproscopy is used to examine the internal organs of pelvis in an effort to identify the specific problem,he may advised to undergo diagnostic laproscpy for example if u have Pelvic pain or mass,an abnormal accumulation of fluid or difficulty in becoming pregnant. Laparoscopy is usually performed under general anesthesia; however it can be performed with other types of anesthesia that permit the patient to remain awake.

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The typical pelvic laparoscopy involves a small (1/2" to 3/4") incision in the belly button or lower abdomen. The abdominal cavity is filled with carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide causes the abdomen to swell which lifts the abdominal wall away from the internal organs, so the doctor has more room to work.
Next, a laparoscope (a one-half inch fiber-optic rod with a light source and video camera) is inserted through the belly button. The video camera permits the surgeon to see inside the abdominal area on video monitors located in the operating room.
Depending on the reason for the laparoscopy, the physician may perform surgery through the laparoscope by inserting various instruments into the laparoscope while using the video monitor as a guide. The video camera also allows the surgeon to take pictures of any problem areas he discovers.

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